Autism Therapy Services in Houston, TX

Do you feel your child isn't meeting developmental and behavioral milestones?

Are you concerned your child might have Autism Spectrum disorder?

At Wilson Counseling in Houston, Texas, we believe in empowering individuals and families with knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Asperger's Syndrome. If you're a parent navigating the challenges of raising a child on the spectrum or an adult seeking support, understanding more about ASD is a good first step. If you are an adult with ASD, our Autism therapists in Houston can help you learn coping mechanisms that will make life and relationships smoother. 

Image of a child holding legos. Nurturing growth and support for kids with autism in Houston, Texas through specialized counseling. Providing a compassionate space for understanding and empowerment.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition. ASD is a spectrum, meaning that it manifests uniquely in each individual. From mild to severe, the spectrum encompasses a diverse array of abilities and challenges. If you have Autism you may struggle socially, struggle with communication, or be rigid in some of your behaviors and routines. Sounds familiar?

Key Features of ASD:

  • Social Communication Challenges: Individuals with ASD may face difficulties in understanding and using nonverbal cues, such as gestures and facial expressions. They might struggle with developing and maintaining relationships, finding it challenging to connect with others emotionally. Relationships just don’t come naturally. 

  • Repetitive Behaviors and Interests: A hallmark feature of ASD is the presence of repetitive behaviors or intense interests. This might manifest as a strict adherence to routines, repetitive movements, or a hyper-focus on specific topics.

Image of letters forming the word “autism”. Exploring the unique facets of ASD through specialized counseling for kids in Houston, Texas. Tailored support, understanding, and empowerment for every child's journey.

What is Asperger's Syndrome?

Asperger's Syndrome, previously considered a separate diagnosis, is now often included within the broader category of ASD. Individuals with Asperger's typically exhibit average to above-average intelligence and may have intense interests in specific areas. Social interactions, however, can be challenging, as they may struggle with understanding and responding to social cues.

Image of a kid with Asperger’s syndrome building complicated lego figures. Navigating the unique strengths and challenges of Asperger's with specialized counseling in Houston, Texas. Providing tailored support from skilled Houston counselors.

Signs and symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Feeling Different in Social Situations:

  • Some people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) find it hard to understand or use things like gestures or facial expressions when they talk.

  • Social interactions, like keeping eye contact or picking up on social cues, can be tricky for them.

Talking Can Be Tricky Too:

  • Some may not start talking as quickly as others, or they might not talk at all.

  • Using gestures, facial expressions, or body language to talk might not be their go-to thing.

  • Sometimes, they might repeat words or phrases in a way that might sound like copying.

Doing Things Over and Over:

  • People with ASD might do repetitive movements like hand-flapping or rocking. It's like a way for them to feel calm.

  • They really like things to stay the same or follow a routine. Changes can make them upset.

Really Loving Specific Things:

  • Some folks with ASD get super into certain topics. They might want to learn everything about it and tell others.

  • Playtime can be a bit different too. They might stick to a theme or topic they love when playing.

Sensory Stuff Can Be Tricky:

  • Bright lights, loud sounds, or certain textures can be a lot for them.

  • Sometimes, they might cover their ears or avoid touching things they don't like.

Not Big Fans of Changes:

  • Switching things up, like changing routines or trying new activities, can be tough for them.

  • New places or situations might take some getting used to.

Imagination Might Work a Bit Differently:

  • Making up stories or playing pretend might not be as easy.

  • Seeing things from someone else's perspective or understanding their feelings can be a bit tricky.

Remember, everyone's different, and it's okay to be unique! People with ASD might do things a little differently, but they're still awesome in their own way. 

If you're in the Houston, Texas area and suspect that you or a loved one may be showing signs of ASD, our team at Wilson Counseling is here to provide comprehensive assessments and personalized support. Understanding the signs is the first step towards creating a supportive environment for individuals on the autism spectrum.

Does autism improve with Autism spectrum treatment in Houston, TX?

We believe in the transformative power of Autism therapy for individuals on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Houston, TX. You might be wondering, "How can therapy really make a difference for someone with ASD?" Well, let's dive into the ways our therapeutic interventions can bring about positive change, all while shedding light on some hopeful statistics that showcase the impact of targeted support.

Image of an adolescent kid with autism trying therapy. Nurturing growth and fostering communication through specialized therapy for kids with autism in Houston, Texas. Tailored support for every child's unique journey.

1 in 54 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD.

However, here's where hope begins to shine through – early intervention and therapeutic support have shown remarkable success in helping individuals with ASD lead fulfilling lives.

How Autism Therapy Can Help:

  1. Social Skills Development for Autism:

    Our experienced therapists employ evidence-based strategies to assist individuals in developing and honing crucial social skills. From understanding nonverbal cues to navigating social interactions, therapy provides practical tools that help people learn to connect with others in their lives.

  2. Communication Enhancement:

    For those facing communication challenges, therapy offers a structured environment where communication skills can be nurtured and strengthened. Whether it's developing spoken language or utilizing alternative communication methods, our therapists tailor interventions to the unique needs of each individual.

  3. Behavioral Interventions for ASD:

    Addressing repetitive behaviors and fostering adaptive ones is a key focus of therapy. Through behavioral interventions, individuals learn alternative coping mechanisms and strategies, promoting a more flexible and adaptable approach to daily life.

  4. Sensory Integration for ASD:

    Many individuals with ASD experience sensory sensitivities. Therapy can assist in developing strategies to manage these sensitivities, improving overall comfort and reducing anxiety in various environments.

Hopeful Statistics for Texans with Autism:

Research has shown that early intervention and targeted therapy can significantly impact the lives of individuals with ASD. A significant percentage of individuals receiving therapy experience improvements in communication skills, social interactions, and adaptive behaviors. These statistics paint a hopeful picture, illustrating that with the right support, individuals on the autism spectrum can unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

If you're in Houston, Texas, and seeking autism spectrum disorder treatment for yourself or a loved one with ASD, Wilson Counseling is here to be a guiding light on this journey. Our compassionate and skilled Autism therapists are dedicated to providing individualized support that fosters growth, resilience, and a brighter future for those touched by Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Image of 2 teens with autism who tried therapy that has significant skills improvement. A substantial percentage of individuals witness improvements in communication, social interactions, and adaptive behaviors. Discover the transformative impact of

I would like to get counseling for Autism Spectrum disorder in Houston, but have some questions.

Image of question mark representing the questions every parent has about autism.

Does Autism counseling even work?

The effectiveness of counseling is at the core of our practice. Our team consists of skilled counselors with experience in autism spectrum disorder treatment. We are dedicated to evidence-based approaches that have shown positive outcomes for individuals on the spectrum. Success stories and testimonials from our clients highlight the real and meaningful impact that counseling can have on the lives of those with ASD.

At Wilson Counseling, we're committed to providing tailored support for both parents and adults facing the realities of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Houston, Texas. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the unique journey of ASD, fostering growth, understanding, and connection.

Image of a teenage girl trying autism counseling together with her dog. Empowering progress through autism counseling work in Houston, Texas. Our dedicated therapists focus on enhancing communication, social interactions, and adaptive behaviors for a

What if I don’t have time for autism Spectrum treatment?

We understand that logistics can be a concern, and we're here to make the process as smooth as possible. Wilson Counseling offers flexible scheduling options, including telehealth services, to accommodate your needs. We're committed to overcoming logistical challenges to ensure that you or your loved one can access the support you need conveniently.

Will Autism ever go away?

One common question that often arises in the context of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is whether it can be cured. It's essential to approach this question with a nuanced perspective. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition with a wide spectrum of traits, and while there is no cure for ASD, there are numerous interventions and therapeutic approaches that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals on the spectrum. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, Texas, our focus is on providing comprehensive and individualized support that maximizes potential and enhances overall well-being. Our experienced team utilizes evidence-based therapies and interventions to address specific challenges associated with ASD, fostering growth and development. Rather than seeking a "cure," our approach is to empower individuals with the tools they need to navigate the unique aspects of autism successfully. We understand that each person's journey is unique, and our goal is to support individuals and families on the spectrum as they thrive and reach their fullest potential.

How is Autism diagnosed?

Curious about how mental health professionals diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? At Wilson Counseling in Houston, Texas, our experienced team takes a meticulous and personalized approach to the diagnostic process. Our mental health professionals, including skilled psychologists and therapists, conduct thorough assessments that involve observing and evaluating various aspects of an individual's behavior and communication patterns. The process often includes in-depth interviews, standardized assessments, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals to ensure a comprehensive understanding. We prioritize a comfortable and supportive environment throughout the diagnostic journey, recognizing the importance of clear insights for effective intervention strategies. If you're in Houston and seeking expert guidance on autism diagnosis, Wilson Counseling is here to offer compassionate support and expertise to navigate this process with clarity and care.

Image of kid holding a toy camera. Autism diagnosis involves a comprehensive assessment of behaviors and developmental milestones. In Houston, Texas, our professionals provide thorough evaluations for accurate insights and tailored support.

What if I don’t want my child to be labeled?

I completely understand your concerns about seeking counseling for your autistic child and the worry about potential labels. It's important to know that counseling is not about placing restrictive labels; instead, it's a supportive and individualized process aimed at understanding and nurturing your child's unique strengths and challenges. A skilled counselor will work collaboratively with you, focusing on your child's specific needs, fostering their growth, and providing tools for navigating the world. Remember, seeking support is a positive step toward ensuring your child's well-being and helping them thrive. Your commitment to your child's happiness and success is commendable, and together, we can navigate this journey with empathy and support.

Coaching for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Parent coaching and therapy can be invaluable resources for parents of autistic children, providing support, guidance, and practical strategies to enhance the overall well-being of both the child and the family. Here's a bulleted list of ways in which parent coaching and therapy can help:

Parent coaching for parents with kids who have autism is like having a knowledgeable friend who's here to guide and support you. Let's break down what goes on:

  • Understanding Autism Together:

    We start by learning more about autism, what makes each child special, and the challenges they might face. It's like putting together pieces of a puzzle to better understand your child.

  • Talking the Right Way:

    Ever felt like you wish you could talk in a way that clicks with your child? Your coach helps you with communication tricks that suit your child's style, making conversations smoother.

  • Dealing with Tough Moments:

    When things get a bit tricky, your coach shares strategies to help you handle challenging behaviors positively. It's all about finding solutions and making things better.

  • Creating a Supportive Home:

    We work together to make your home a comfy space that suits your child's needs. Think of it as setting up a routine that makes everyday life more predictable and less stressful.

  • Being Your Child's Advocate:

    Your coach helps you become an advocate, someone who stands up for your child's needs. We work on navigating school, healthcare, and services to make sure your child gets the support they need.

  • Managing Emotions:

    Raising a child with autism can bring a mix of emotions. Your coach provides a space to share feelings and learn ways to handle stress and tough times.

  • Boosting Social Skills:

    Social situations can sometimes be a bit challenging. Your coach shares strategies to help your child feel more comfortable and confident in social settings.

  • Personalized Plans:

    Every child is unique, and so are the plans we make. Your coach tailors strategies specifically for your child's strengths and challenges, adjusting as they grow.

  • Solving Challenges Together:

    When you face challenges or changes, your coach is there to help problem-solve and find solutions. It's a team effort!

  • Celebrating Achievements:

    We focus on recognizing and celebrating the cool things your child accomplishes, no matter how small. It's all about building a positive perspective.

  • Family Support:

    Your whole family is important. We work on improving communication and understanding among family members, providing support for everyone.

So, parent coaching is like having a friend who's been there, offering guidance and practical tips to make your parenting journey with a child with autism a bit smoother

Parent coaching and therapy offer a tailored and collaborative approach to addressing the unique needs of families with autistic children. By empowering parents with knowledge, skills, and emotional support, these services contribute to creating a positive and nurturing environment for both parents and their children on the autism spectrum.

Image of parents getting coaching session to learn how to understand their kid with autism better. Our Houston coaching services provide valuable support, equipping parents with effective strategies and insights to navigate challenges

Our Approach to Autism counseling in Houston, TX:

Autism does not define who you are, it is a part of who you are. At Wilson Counseling, we meet you where you are and see where you would like to go. We come together to set goals after a diagnosis (whether recent or years past) for various things such as social skills, consistency, and schedules to help you be the most successful version of you. 

Image of a hand with a blooming flower in the middle to signify the positive changes such as improved social skills that happens when a kid undergoes autism therapy in Houston.

We integrate mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, taking breaks when needed, and learn calming strategies to aid when stressful situations or overstimulation occur. We also use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help with replacement behaviors when unwanted behavior occurs. We offer a place to listen and serve as sounding boards as you navigate a neurotypical world and offer guidance on how to navigate it.

Image of a parent and child with autism doing interactive games on the iPad showing how family support can aid your loved one with ASD. Book your session with a Houston Counselor now.

Another way to help greatly is to include family support in some sessions to offer guidance and help on how to aid your loved one with ASD and how to make the home and day-to-day routine the most beneficial place. We can also aid in how to navigate change, stress, and overstimulation as a supportive unit to help the individual thrive and be the best version of themselves.


  • Schedule an appointment about how counseling can help you create a healthy, meaningful, empowered life.

  • Sign up for our email list to get mental health resources sent to you monthly and a free audio series with six keys to conquering anxiety, stress, and depression immediately upon signing up.

In addition to Autism Therapy, we have other mental health services in our Houston, TX counseling office in the following areas. Our caring therapists also offer:

Online Counseling, Anxiety Treatment, Eating Disorder Counseling, Family Therapy, Couples and Marriage Counseling, Premarital CounselingSchool and College Counseling, Child Therapy, Trauma Therapy, PTSD Treatment, EMDR Therapy, Parenting Counseling, Infertility Counseling, Teen Counseling, Career Counseling, LPC Supervision, LGBTQ+ Counseling.

If you're ready to embark on the journey, reach out to Wilson Counseling for support with autism. Together, we can help you build a strong foundation for a resilient future.