PTSD Treatment & Trauma Therapy in Houston, TX

Have you gone through a traumatic event and can’t seem to shake it?

Is PTSD keeping you from really living your life and feeling at peace?

Do you feel like you are reliving the traumatic event?

Are you avoiding things you used to love because you are afraid of being triggered?

Have you become rigid and require routine in order to feel stable?

Do you find yourself feeling anxious and on guard even when you are safe?

Are you experiencing dreams or nightmares about that traumatic event?

You may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / TRAUMA. 

PTSD Treatment & Trauma Therapy can help you get your life back!

What is PTSD? How do you develop PTSD? Do I have trauma?

When you go through difficulties in life, you are often able to adapt and move on. But when something traumatic happens, you can feel stuck in that moment. Traumatic events include things like a car accident, sexual abuse, a natural disaster, war, or the death of someone you love. When that happens, you may feel like you continue to be in danger and relive the traumatic experience. It can be exhausting if you are dealing with Trauma. You may also notice that it is hard to focus and stay on task with activities that used to be easy for you. Or you may numb out because it is too painful to feel your traumatic feelings. The problem with numbing is that you can’t selectively numb out pain without also numbing out joy in your life.  

Complex PTSD / Trauma Treatment

Sometimes people can have more than one traumatic event that happens to them, or they can experience traumatic situations over and over. Trauma is considered “complex” when it happens repetitively over time within the context of families or in intimate relationships. This can include domestic abuse, prolonged stress, abandonment, child abuse, neglect, and abandonment. Although complex trauma may feel more difficult to experience, PTSD / Trauma treatment is very successful in relieving symptoms, even of complex trauma. It may just take additional sessions compared with managing a single traumatic event. I have seen some incredible healing with clients who have had complex trauma! Trauma treatment can be very powerful.

Image of a little girl running in the fog to show how trauma can make you feel like running away from problems. As one of the best Houston Trauma therapist, I understand the struggle of living with trauma symptoms and want to help.

What are the symptoms of PTSD?

While everyone experiences trauma differently, here are some symptoms of trauma:

  • Irritability or aggression

  • Persistent fears

  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy

  • Flashbacks of the traumatic event

  • Avoidance of things, people, places, or things that remind you of the trauma

  • Feeling dissociated or detached from your body as if things are not real

  • Difficulty concentrating or sleeping

  • Nightmares of the traumatic event

  • Withdrawal or social isolation

  • Feeling hypervigilant like you are always on guard

  • Risky or self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse

Image of wine bottles all in a row to show how trauma symptoms can make you want to escape your feelings. As a Houston PTSD therapist, I understand the struggle of living with ptsd symptoms and want to help. PTSD therapy near me.

All of these symptoms fall into four categories: intrusive thoughts, avoidance, distortions, and reactive behaviors. 

Intrusive thoughts:

Symptoms of intrusive memories include reliving the event as if it keeps happening, flashbacks, nightmares, severe distress when confronted with something that reminds you of the traumatic event 


Symptoms of avoidance include avoiding talking about the event, and avoiding places, people, and things that remind you of the traumatic event

Changes in thought and mood:

Symptoms of those changes include feeling hopeless about the future, feeling detached from people, feeling numb, having trouble experiencing joy, feeling critical of self, the world, and others, and a lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed

Reactive behaviors:

Symptoms of reactive behaviors include being easily scared or startled, being irritable or having angry outbursts, trouble with focus or sleep, feeling ashamed, constantly being on guard for danger, and destructive behaviors like drinking too much or driving too fast

Types of Trauma & PTSD:

  • Vicarious trauma

  • Complex PTSD

  • Bullying

  • Natural disaster trauma

  • Medical trauma

  • Childhood abuse

  • Military PTSD

  • Domestic violence

  • Traumatic grief

  • Sexual abuse

  • Relational Trauma

Image of a man smiling in a meadow to show how the best PTSD treatment & Trauma therapy  in Houston can help you feel free of your PTSD symptoms.  As a Houston PTSD therapist, I understand the struggle of living with ptsd symptoms and want to help.

Relational trauma

Relational trauma often traces its roots back to childhood experiences, where the foundation of our relational patterns is laid. Contrary to popular belief, trauma doesn't necessarily stem from overt abuse; even seemingly minor incidents in early relationships can leave lasting imprints. Parents, who are supposed to be sources of love and security, can inadvertently contribute to this trauma through neglect, emotional unavailability, or inconsistent responses. Even when we love our kids, we can wound them. It’s inevitable.

It's not solely about what happened in the past, but rather how our brains and bodies reacted to those experiences, shaping our perceptions of relationships today. Letting go of past hurts involves understanding these reactions and their origins, which can be deeply challenging.

It's common for individuals to find themselves triggered by specific behaviors or words from their parents, wondering why these interactions evoke such strong emotional responses. Through therapy and introspection, one can begin to unravel these complexities and foster healing in their present relationships.

What is the best treatment for PTSD / Trauma in Texas?

There are several evidence-based treatments that have been shown by research to be effective in treating PTSD / Trauma.  

One of these treatments for PTSD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for trauma (CBT).

CBT has been shown to be one of the most effective PTSD / Trauma treatment types. When your mind has distorted thoughts, that often leads to distorted or exaggerated feelings. For example, if you were in a car accident, your brain may tell you that whenever you get in a car, your life is in danger. This line of thinking will lead to feeling fearful and anxious and may cause you to avoid driving altogether. CBT teaches you to replace your negative distorted thoughts with more balanced or positive thoughts resulting in feeling more balanced and less anxious. 

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

TF-CBT is one treatment that is commonly used for trauma, particularly with children and youth. It can help children, adolescents and their parents overcome the impacts of trauma. It is often used when there has been trauma from physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, the death of a loved one, or natural disasters.

Goals of TF-CBT:

  • Help children develop coping skills to deal with traumatic reactions and stress

  • Decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression and other ways of acting out that are common amongst kids who have experienced trauma

It differs from traditional CBT in that it employs the same three-phase model of any trauma treatment (safety/stabilization, remembering and grieving, and integration/reconnecting}. It is a treatment that typically has a shorter duration than other talk therapies and each session has a very specific goal.

 First TF-CBT seeks to help you feel safe by teaching you about how your body responds when you’ve gone through traumatic experiences, then teaching you relaxation skills, and finally teaching you coping skills using cognitive techniques. The treatment teaches you to tolerate negative emotions for long enough to deal with them. For example, you can learn grounding techniques to help you feel connected to your body and help you manage flashbacks.

Next TF-CBT moves into trauma narration (storytelling) and processing. You will learn to utilize storytelling in many types of ways. One such way is creating a storybook that recounts the difficult parts of your trauma. 

Finally, TF-CBT moves to the stage of consolidation and closure. In this step, non-offending parents would be involved in the healing process as well as helping to determine the steps that will need to be taken in the future for continued healing.  For example, a client who had been abused in their beds might need some time and coaching to begin to sleep in their own bed again. You don’t really need to know any details about how this works. Your therapist will walk you through every step with care until you feel like yourself again.

Exposure therapy is often used to treat PTSD.

In exposure therapy, clients are given a safe environment in which they can be exposed to events they fear. In the short run, avoiding your fears feels like it helps, but in the long run, it can increase the power of those fears. Your PTSD therapist will work with you to develop ways that you can be exposed to your fears either in your mind or in reality. By doing so, people often learn that they can face their fears and become less fearful of being triggered by those fears in the future. 

Another effective PTSD Treatment is EMDR Therapy.

EMDR Therapy for PTSD treatment can help you process the trauma that is stored in your nervous system. This can be especially helpful if you feel stuck in your trauma and keep reliving the traumatic events. 

Relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness techniques can also be helpful for the treatment of PTSD / Trauma.

Your therapist will incorporate these skills into your individual session so that they can be used anywhere you are. For more information about mindfulness and relaxation, please check out our blog posts including:

Grounding techniques to deal with anxiety

Reducing stress through progressive muscle relaxation

Relaxing and destressing with deep breathing.”

Other video resources for mindfulness are available on the Wilson Counseling YouTube channel including:

How to manage distressing feelings

Grounding technique to deal with anxiety

How to sleep better

Narrative therapy for PTSD Treatment is another great option.

Narrative therapy at its heart is storytelling. Often our stories get messed up in our minds when trauma occurs. It can cloud our brains and make us see the world only through our trauma lens. Narrative therapy seeks to over time and retell our story to remember all the aspects of our lives slowly but surely before and without the trauma. An example of a narrative therapy technique is the therapist aiding the client to “externalize” their trauma from the story. For example, a wife who had been abused by her husband who sees herself as broken and at fault would over time with the help of the therapist see those incidents were one part of her story but not the whole thing. She would see that the trauma while painful was not her fault and was the result of a bad situation. Her issues with her trauma were not a problem with her character but more a problem with her relationship.

Are you ready to start feeling less stressed but still have some questions about Trauma Therapy?

How long does PTSD Treatment / Trauma Therapy take?

It is impossible to say how long treatment will take because it varies by person. Complex trauma can sometimes take longer to treat compared with single-event trauma. The good news is that PTSD / Trauma treatment is effective and you may start noticing a decrease in symptoms after even just a couple of sessions. If you are living with PTSD right now, you know how much time and peace of mind it is taking away from you. You may have trouble focusing and getting things done. I know you are worried about therapy taking time out of your busy schedule, but the truth is that a small investment of time you make in PTSD treatment will give you both time and your life back. It is so worth it. 

Can you treat PTSD / Trauma without medicine?

Medication is not necessary for PTSD in all cases. When you meet with your PTSD / Trauma therapist, they will do a thorough evaluation and can help discuss all of your options with you. If medication seems like it will help, your therapist can give you a referral to a trusted provider. But in some cases, therapy will be sufficient to treat PTSD / Trauma. 

Image of a girl on her computer doing online counseling for PTSD Treatment in Houston, TX.  The best Online trauma therapy & PTSD treatment near me is effective in decreasing PTSD symptoms.

Does online treatment for PTSD & Trauma work?

Yes! Online treatment or Video counseling has been shown to be just as effective as in-person treatment. And you can skip the commute to the office!

Will I have to relive my trauma in PTSD treatment?

You may be hesitating going into treatment because you are concerned about having to discuss and possibly relive the trauma. If you have PTSD, you are already reliving the trauma, but you don’t have the necessary tools to manage the distressing feelings. You do not necessarily need to go into great detail about your past trauma. If you can give your therapist some basic details during the intake process, that will be enough to do the PTSD treatment. You don’t have to keep retelling the story and relieving the trauma. In fact, your therapy is supposed to help you have more control and get back to feeling like your old self so you are not overwhelmed by the past. 

What is the PTSD /Trauma Treatment success rate?

Although PTSD technically cannot be cured, success rates are very high with PTSD treatment. Clients will often see a complete resolution of their symptoms after treatment, or at least are able to return to normal functioning.

PTSD /TRAUMA Treatment for Veterans

Although PTSD is fairly common in the general population, it is even more acute among service members and veterans. We don’t have exact numbers, but it is estimated that anywhere from 13.5% to 30% of veterans have been diagnosed with PTSD. It is not surprising that veterans often come back with war-induced trauma considering everything they go through. They have been exposed to very real and life-threatening dangers and yet they still have to keep fighting, keep working, and stay on task.

The trauma does not always show up right away. It may not become apparent until veterans have been home safely that symptoms may start to pop up. Trauma can come from acts of war, but it can also come from pain that veterans experience as a result of being in combat situations. Or even from vicariously seeing fellow service members experiencing something horrific.

If you are a veteran and think you might have PTSD, it is important to get assessed by a mental health professional. A lot can be done to help you work through your trauma and feel like yourself again.

Image of a veteran who has PTSD symptoms. As the best PTSD therapist in Houston, TX, I understand how trauma can make you feel stuck. PTSD treatment in Houston, TX can give you your life back.

When you go through something traumatic, it can rock your world.  PTSD can feel like it takes over your life. 

If you have PTSD, There is hope!

You can get your life back with PTSD / Trauma treatment from Wilson Counseling. We have successfully helped hundreds of people like you who are struggling with PTSD. You are not alone in this.

  • PTSD is one of the most common reasons that people seek out counseling. 

  • About 6-8% of people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. 

  • In any given year,  about 8 million Americans are dealing with PTSD. 

  • Women are more likely than men to develop PTSD, although we see it regularly in both men and women. 

Some people may be more genetically predisposed to developing PTSD when they go through scary or traumatic events than other people. It is not a sign of weakness. It is a very normal and natural adaptation to a difficult or overwhelming event. Try to be loving and compassionate with yourself as you work through your trauma. 

How do I deal with change?

Change is the only constant you can expect in life. But change can be tough, and it can make you feel out of control and unhappy. Sometimes change can even feel traumatizing. Knowing what to expect feels safe. Things that are familiar feel comfortable. So, how should you deal with change when it comes along?

In this video, we explore practical strategies for dealing with change in your life. These tips for dealing with change can help you get through transitions more smoothly.

Picture of the phrase "You will be ok" giving those who have gone through trauma hope that PTSD treatment can help them feel free of PTSD symptoms. PTSD can make you feel stuck, but the best Houston PTSD therapists can help you feel like yourself.

We specialize in PTSD Treatment & Trauma Therapy in Houston, TX

You don’t have to keep reliving traumatic events, feeling detached, irritable, and anxious. PTSD & Trauma treatment can help you through this experience so that you feel calm and free from the tyranny of the past. You can get your life and your old self back.

Begin PTSD Treatment & Trauma Therapy in Houston, TX. We have caring and compassionate therapists who specialize in PTSD Treatment & Trauma Therapy. 

To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

  1. Schedule an appointment or a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Meet one of our caring PTSD therapists.

  3. Sign up for our email list to get mental health resources sent to you monthly and a free audio series with six keys to conquering anxiety, stress, and depression immediately upon signing up.

  4. Start to feel good again and get your life back!


In addition to Trauma therapy & PTSD treatment, we have other mental health services in our Houston, TX counseling office. Our caring therapists also offer:

Online Counseling, Anxiety Therapy, Eating Disorder Counseling, Family Therapy, Couples Counseling, School and College Counseling, Child Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Parenting Counseling, Infertility Counseling, Teen Counseling, Career Counseling, LPC Supervision, LGBTQ+ Counseling

If you’re ready to get started, please contact Wilson Counseling today. Together we can help you heal from your past and start to feel like yourself again.


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