Child Therapy In Houston, TX

Are you concerned about your child and not sure how to help them? 

Do you wonder if the problems your child is facing are normal?

Is your child cutting you out of their lives and keeping their problems hidden?

Is your child getting upset easily and having trouble calming down?

Have you tried everything you know and still feel unable to make things better?

You are not alone.

It’s so painful to watch your child struggle. Counseling can help empower them and give them solutions so that they can feel more equipped to deal with academic, emotional, and social problems.

As children and adolescents grow, they continue to develop in many very important ways. There are predictable and developmentally appropriate ranges of cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Kids will experience shifts in their thinking, mood, and behavioral patterns as they mature. During these periods of growth, it can be difficult for families to know when a change reflects the normal challenges in child development or, rather, signs and symptoms of something that more significantly interferes with their child/teen’s happiness and functioning within the family, at school or with social interactions. If a parent, family member, or a child/teen is questioning whether the problems they are facing fit within the range of normal development, they might seek consultation with a child and adolescent therapist.

It’s normal for children to struggle to express themselves, to act out,  and even to have a hard time making good choices in their lives. 

If your child is facing problems in multiple areas of their lives, getting help is critical.  

The early years can be a challenge for both parents and their children. Whether you are dealing with behavioral, divorce, or school-related issues, we will help give your child a safe place to grow and work through their issues.

Common issues children face:

  • Learning, attention, or social skills problems

  • Behavioral problems (such as excessive anger, aggression, acting out, opposition at school or home)

  • Peer problems, relationship difficulties

  • Episodes of sadness, tearfulness, or irritability

  • Difficulties with regulating mood

  • Changes in appetite or sleep

  • Social withdrawal or isolation

  • Fearful behavior that results in avoidance or gets in the way of healthy development

  • Obsessions or compulsions

  • Experiencing bullying or bullying other children

  • Excessive school absenteeism or tardiness

  • Test anxiety

  • Signs of alcohol, drug, or other substance use (such as solvents or drug abuse)

  • Problems adjusting to transitions (following separation, divorce, or relocation)

  • Bereavement issues

  • Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event including sexual, physical, or emotional abuse

  • Signs of self-destructive behavior, such as head-banging, cutting, or extreme risk-taking

  • Repeated thoughts of death, suicide, or losing a peer or loved one to suicide.


The good news, however, is that with the help of a compassionate counselor, your child can get to the root of their problems and learn to navigate life. 

Counseling can help offer direction and support for your child and your family!

Are you ready to get help for your child, but still have some questions?

What are the first steps in child therapy?

We start with an initial assessment with your child that can help define what problems need attention and what type of services might be of assistance. The assessment is a getting-to-know each other period and a time when information is gathered about the child’s current problems or concerns. Parents and caregivers are generally involved with this step of the process. 

A history of the problem is reviewed along with other information about the child/teen’s level of development. Parent and child questions are also discussed at that time.

Following the initial assessment, we discuss the interventions that are most likely to be a good fit for your child. Therapy allows families and kids to learn more about themselves, their strengths, and their paths toward problem-solving about the obstacles in their lives. Therapy refers to a variety of methods to help children who are experiencing difficulties with their emotions or behavior. Although several therapeutic methods exist in order to provide options about how to work with different types of problems, all therapy involves communication and support toward health and development.

Image of a girl sitting beside her dog who is facing backwards, showing sad emotions, child counseling near me, child therapy in houston texas, best child counseling in Houston

What are the goals of child therapy?

In child therapy, the goals of therapy will depend on the particular area being addressed and will be discussed at the beginning of the process. Therapy might be focused on emotional support during a difficult event or transition, resolution of conflicts with others, learning more about coping with feelings and upsets, building on strengths in order to solve problems, and/or experimenting with new ways to address old problems or patterns. The length of therapy depends on the complexity and severity of the problem.

What will my child be doing in a typical session?

Methods used with children and teens might include playing games that teach coping concepts, drawing, building, writing, pretending, doing creative experiments in order to practice a skill; as well as talking in order to support the path of sharing feelings and resolving problems. The therapy environment promotes and supports a level of trust that can make it easier for children and teens to express themselves and to become willing to utilize therapy as a helpful tool.

Image of a happy family sitting with their kid who is getting child therapy, the kid is not acting up that much and is much more relaxed, child counseling near me, child therapy in houston, child counseling in houston, texas

Will I be part of my child’s counseling?

I believe parents are the best ally any kid can have. I communicate with parents and bring them into the process of counseling. In this way, I consider you a partner in the process of helping your child. We are all there to help your child solve problems, feel heard, and learn to have more autonomy over their lives. We try to work collaboratively with parents to help children. We will often meet with parents at the beginning or end of sessions when it’s appropriate to keep you posted. For younger children, you may stay in the entire session. 

Who else is involved in child therapy?

Therapy may involve an individual child, a group of children, a family, or multiple families. When it is appropriate or helpful, we will get families involved in the process. This can facilitate healing and improve communication throughout the entire family. 

Does needing therapy mean I have failed as a parent?

Absolutely not! It is exactly the opposite, actually. Recognizing the needs you or your kids have is a sign of health and awareness. It means you are tuned into your kids and have the capacity to get them connected with people who can help. All parents and children struggle. It is a natural part of being human and not a sign of failure. 

My child is already overwhelmed, how can they make time for anything else?

Therapy for children will actually help relieve the burden your child is feeling. They will learn to express themselves, manage feelings and learn to feel more in control of their lives. These are wonderful skills that they will take with them throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. There is not much worse than feeling out of control and not knowing how to solve one’s problems. Once someone learns how to do this, they are much less likely to feel overwhelmed. 

I am so busy, how can I make time for child counseling?

Life is full and stressful already. It may feel like you don’t have a free moment. How in the world are you going to add counseling to your already busy schedule? What I have found is what people find time for the things that really matter. And when they make time for therapy, it tends to add time to their schedule because they are able to live life in a more efficient way, set boundaries, and have less stress (which oftentimes distracts people from getting things done).

Common Child & Adolescent Mental Health Issues

Children and adolescents receive mental health services for a variety of reasons. It is important to recognize that any problem needs to be considered in context with a child’s development. As children and adolescents grow, they are changing in a variety of ways. There are predictable ranges of cognitive, emotional, and social growth according to the age of a child and kids will experience shifts in their thinking, mood and behavioral patterns as they mature.

During these periods of growth, it can be difficult for families to know when a change reflects the normal challenges in child development or, rather, signs and symptoms of something that more significantly interferes with their child/teen’s happiness, and/or functioning within their family, at school, or with social connections. A consultation with a therapist can help shed light on the nature of the problem and help in providing options for solutions.

You can get help for your child today!

  • Schedule an appointment or have a free 15-minute phone consultation about how counseling can help you as a parent and help your child navigate a healthy path to a happier self.

  • Sign up for our email list to get mental health resources sent to you monthly and a free audio series with six keys to conquering anxiety, stress, and depression immediately upon applying.

  • Connect with our social media:

In addition to Child Counseling, we have other mental health services in our Houston, TX counseling office in the following areas. Our caring therapists also offer:

Online Counseling, Anxiety Treatment, Eating Disorder Counseling, Family Therapy, School and College Counseling, EMDR Therapy, Trauma Therapy, PTSD Treatment, Parenting Counseling, Infertility Counseling, Teen Counseling, Couples and Marriage Counseling, Career Counseling, LPC Supervision, LGBTQ+ Counseling.

If you’re ready to get started, please contact Wilson Counseling today.


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