What if co-parenting doesn't work out? Dealing with a difficult partner.

When Co-Parenting Gets Tough: How to Navigate Challenging Co-Parenting Situations

Co-parenting is the process of raising children together after separation or divorce. It comes with its own set of challenges. While it ideally involves cooperation, effective communication, and shared decision-making, sometimes co-parenting doesn't work as smoothly as you’d hope. At Wilson Counseling, our caring parent counseling therapists in Houston, TX understand the complexities of co-parenting. We’re here to provide you with guidance and support. In this blog post, we'll explore what co-parenting entails and offer tips for dealing with uncooperative co-parents.

Nurture strong co-parenting bonds in Houston, TX with expert parenting therapy. Embrace effective communication and collaborative strategies. Build a harmonious co-parenting dynamic with support from a trusted parenting therapist

What is co-parenting in Texas?

Co-parenting involves both parents actively participating in their children's lives and making joint decisions regarding their well-being. It requires effective communication, respect, and a focus on the best interests of the children. However, challenges can arise when one or both parents struggle to cooperate or prioritize their differences over the needs of the children. Check out this blog post about how to be a good co-parent.

Be proactive co-parents in Texas. Strengthen your bond through expert parenting therapy in Houston, TX. Embrace effective communication and collaborative strategies for a harmonious co-parenting journey.

Tips for Dealing with DIfficult Co-Parents

You love your kids and want the best for them. Unfortunately, you can’t control every aspect of their lives. You may be co-parenting with an uncooperative ex. What can you control on your end to make this go as smoothly as possible?

  1. Maintain Boundaries:

    Set clear boundaries and stick to them. Establish guidelines for communication, visitation, and decision-making to minimize conflicts.

  2. Focus on the Children:

    Keep the well-being of your children as the primary focus. Put aside personal differences and make decisions based on what's best for them.

  3. Improve Communication:

    Use respectful and neutral language when communicating with your co-parent. Consider utilizing email or co-parenting apps to keep a written record of discussions. Work with a Wilson Counseling parent therapist in Texas to learn better ways to co-parent.

Establish healthy boundaries with a challenging co-parent. Seek guidance from a parenting therapist in Houston, TX for expert support. Maintain a harmonious co-parenting dynamic while prioritizing your well-being.

Parallel Parenting as an Alternative to Co-parenting:

In situations where cooperation becomes extremely challenging, parallel parenting can be considered. Parallel parenting allows each parent to have a separate set of rules and routines during their parenting time, reducing direct contact between co-parents.

Explore parallel parenting as an alternative to co-parenting. Gain expert support from a parenting therapist in Houston, TX. Foster a harmonious approach that prioritizes boundaries and the well-being of everyone involved

What is Parallel Parenting?

Parallel parenting is a co-parenting method designed for high-conflict situations or when communication breakdowns hinder traditional co-parenting efforts. In parallel parenting, the focus shifts from expecting frequent direct interaction between parents to reducing conflict and creating a more structured approach. It allows both parents to remain actively involved in their children's lives while minimizing conflict and stress.

Promote peaceful co-parenting through parallel parenting. Seek guidance from a parenting therapist in Houston, TX to navigate co-parenting. Embrace a harmonious approach that prioritizes healthy boundaries and the well-being of all parties involved.

How Does Parallel Parenting Work?

The key principle of parallel parenting is creating physical and emotional separation between the co-parents. It involves establishing clear boundaries and reducing direct contact while emphasizing communication through written means such as emails or co-parenting apps. Each parent takes responsibility for their child during their designated parenting time, making independent decisions within the agreed-upon guidelines. This method allows parents to minimize interaction, which is particularly helpful when emotions run high, and conflict tends to escalate.

Implement parallel parenting through written communication. Get expert support from a parenting therapist in Houston, TX. Establish clear boundaries for a harmonious co-parenting approach prioritizing well-being.

Implementing Parallel Parenting: Practical Tips

  1. Clearly define parenting responsibilities: Establish a detailed parenting plan that outlines each parent's rights, responsibilities, and expectations. Ensure both parents are on the same page regarding schedules, routines, discipline strategies, and major decision-making processes. Clarity reduces potential conflict points and helps create stability for your children.

  2. Utilize written communication: Emphasize written communication to minimize misunderstandings and avoid direct confrontation. Emails or dedicated co-parenting apps provide a documented record, which can be valuable if conflicts arise in the future. Keep conversations focused on the child's well-being and avoid personal attacks or engaging in unproductive arguments.

  3. Seek professional support: Parallel parenting can be challenging, and it's crucial to seek guidance from a therapist experienced in co-parenting dynamics. They can provide valuable insights, mediation, and strategies to help you navigate challenges effectively while prioritizing your children's emotional well-being.

Seek professional help for successful parallel parenting. Consult a parenting therapist in Houston, TX for expert guidance. Build a harmonious co-parenting approach by establishing clear boundaries and prioritizing the well-being of all involved

Steps to Take When Co-Parenting Doesn't Work:

When co-parenting becomes challenging and doesn't work effectively, it's important to take proactive steps to address the situation and create a healthier dynamic for you and your children. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Reflect on the situation:

    Take a step back and reflect on the challenges you're facing in your co-parenting relationship. Identify the specific areas of conflict, communication breakdowns, or recurring issues that hinder effective co-parenting. You may have to do an honest inventory of what you are doing that is not working as well as determining what your co-parent is doing that is unhelpful. 

  2. Communication and self-awareness:

    Engage in open and honest communication with your co-parent. Express your concerns, but do so in a calm and non-confrontational manner. Practice active listening and strive to understand their perspective. Additionally, reflect on your behaviors and reactions, as self-awareness is crucial in fostering positive change.

  3. Seek professional assistance:

    Consider working with a co-parent counselor in Texas who specializes in co-parenting dynamics. We have a caring therapist who can help facilitate communication, provide guidance, manage conflict, and develop strategies to create a healthy co-parenting dynamic. They can also assist in creating a tailored plan that suits the unique needs of your family.

  4. Establish clear boundaries and guidelines:

    Work together with your co-parent to establish clear boundaries and guidelines that define your roles and responsibilities. Create a comprehensive parenting plan that covers key aspects such as visitation schedules, decision-making processes, and guidelines for resolving conflicts. Clarity and consistency can help reduce ambiguity and minimize future disputes.

  5. Focus on the children's well-being:

    Keep the best interests of your children at the forefront of your decision-making process. Consider their emotional and physical needs when making co-parenting decisions. Encourage open communication and ensure they feel loved and supported by both parents. Remember that your children are the ones most affected by the dynamics between their parents. When making choices, ask yourself: "Is this in the best interest of my children?" By consistently putting their needs first, you create a nurturing and stable environment that allows them to thrive despite the co-parenting challenges you may face.

  6. Practice self-care:

    Co-parenting challenges can be emotionally draining. Prioritize self-care by engaging in activities that reduce stress, improve your well-being, and provide an outlet for your emotions. Taking care of yourself will enable you to be a more present and balanced parent. Meeting with one of our caring Texas therapists can give you an outlet to learn more about how to care for yourself in this stressful time. 

  7. Be flexible and adaptable:

    Recognize that co-parenting requires flexibility and a willingness to adapt. As circumstances change over time, be open to revisiting and adjusting the parenting plan when necessary. The ability to adapt and find common ground is crucial for long-term co-parenting success.

Reflect on challenging co-parenting situations. Seek support from a parenting therapist in Houston, TX for guidance. Explore effective strategies to foster harmony and prioritize the well-being of all involved.

Doing a Parenting Plan:

Creating a comprehensive parenting plan is essential when co-parenting. A parenting plan outlines the details of custody arrangements, visitation schedules, decision-making processes, and other important aspects. Collaborate with your co-parent to develop a plan that works for both of you and, most importantly, meets the needs of your children. A well-crafted parenting plan can provide structure and clarity, reducing conflicts and promoting a healthier co-parenting relationship.

Create a successful co-parenting plan with a Houston, TX parenting therapist. Foster a harmonious dynamic prioritizing your children's well-being. Get guidance to develop a customized plan for effective co-parenting.

Helpful Co-Parenting Apps:

Keeping up with various schedules and communicating with your co-parent can get tricky. There are quite a few apps that are made to help.

  • OurFamilyWizard: A comprehensive app that provides a platform for communication, shared calendars, expense tracking, and document storage.

    Website: www.ourfamilywizard.com

  • Cozi: A user-friendly app that allows for calendar coordination, to-do lists, and shared shopping lists to help streamline co-parenting responsibilities.

    Website: www.cozi.com

Discover co-parenting apps like OurFamilyWizard & Cozi. Enhance communication & scheduling for effective co-parenting. Get support from parenting therapy in Houston, TX to strengthen your co-parenting journey.

Co-parenting can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to navigate even the most difficult situations. Remember to maintain focus on your children's well-being, establish clear boundaries, improve communication, and consider utilizing co-parenting apps to streamline responsibilities.

Unite for successful co-parenting and your children's well-being. Seek guidance from a parenting therapist in Houston, TX for support. Collaborate, communicate, and prioritize your kids' needs to foster a positive co-parenting dynamic.


If you are a first-time parent or feeling overwhelmed with being a parent, Wilson Counseling can help! Our Texas parenting counselors can support you as you work on having a better relationship with your children and yourself. Take these steps to get support and learn more about parenting.

  1. Give us a call today to set up a free consultation.

  2. Schedule your first appointment for parenting counseling.

  3. Get the support and help you need.


In addition to parenting counseling, we have other mental health services that we offer at our Houston, TX counseling office. Our services are available for adults, children, and teens. For individuals, we offer Anxiety Treatment, Couples and Marriage Therapy, Eating Disorder Therapy, School and College Counseling, and Infertility Counseling. As well as Trauma Therapy, PTSD Treatment, EMDR Therapy, and LGBTQ+ Counseling. Our caring therapists also offer Family Therapy, Career Counseling, and LPC Supervision. All of these services are also available through Online Counseling throughout Texas.

If you’re ready to get started, please contact Wilson Counseling today. Together we can get you to a better place and help you navigate parenthood with greater confidence and effectiveness.