Houston EMDR therapist shares local trauma resources

Image of two people holding each other. Local trauma resources in Houston offer vital support, including counseling, crisis intervention, support groups, and specialized therapies like EMDR. Wilson Counseling provides compassionate care to help you.

As an EMDR therapist in Houston, TX, I understand how overwhelming and isolating it can be to navigate when you have been through a traumatic experience. Going through a traumatic event can stop you in your tracks. It can disrupt your ability to think straight, to feel safe, to connect with other people. You may find yourself close to panic at unexpected or inconvenient times. It may be difficult to sleep and eat normally. You just don’t feel like your old resilient self.

Finding the right support and resources is crucial for healing. In this blog post, I’ll share some trauma resources that are available in Houston which can help you get back to you. These resources include different types of therapy, support groups, crisis hotlines, and organizations dedicated to helping you heal from trauma.

A close up image of an eye. Understanding trauma is the first step to healing. EMDR therapy at Wilson Counseling in Houston can help process traumatic memories and reduce their impact.

Understanding Trauma and EMDR Therapy

Before diving into the resources, it's important to understand how trauma impacts mental health and how EMDR therapy can help help. Trauma can result from a variety of experiences, including abuse, accidents, natural disasters, or loss. It can have long-lasting effects on emotional and physical well-being. Some people are surprised to learn trauma can come from something they consider “no big deal” as well, like being yelled at as a kid. Something like that can cause you to feel unsafe in relationships and not trust yourself.

Examples of Trauma

Trauma can result from a wide range of experiences, each affecting individuals differently based on their personal history, coping mechanisms, and support systems. Here are some common examples of trauma:

Image of a man holding his shoulder.  Physical abuse leaves deep scars, both seen and unseen. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we offer compassionate support and effective therapy to help survivors heal and reclaim their lives.

1. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse involves deliberate harm or injury inflicted on an individual. This can include hitting, slapping, burning, or any other form of physical violence. The trauma from physical abuse can lead to long-lasting emotional and psychological scars.

Image of a woman hugging her body. Sexual abuse has profound impacts on survivors, affecting every aspect of their lives. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide a safe space and specialized therapy to help survivors heal and regain control.

2. Sexual Abuse or Assault

Sexual abuse or assault refers to any unwanted sexual activity, often involving force, coercion, or manipulation. Survivors of sexual abuse may experience profound and lasting trauma that affects their sense of safety, trust, and self-worth.

Image of a woman crying. Emotional and psychological abuse can be deeply damaging, leaving invisible scars that affect your well-being. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we offer expert support to help you heal and reclaim your life.

3. Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse includes behaviors that harm an individual's self-esteem or mental well-being, such as constant criticism, manipulation, verbal aggression, or isolation. This type of abuse can be as damaging as physical abuse, leading to long-term mental health issues.

Image of a child playing alone. Neglect can leave lasting emotional wounds, impacting your self-worth and mental health. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide compassionate support to help you heal from neglect and build a brighter future.

4. Neglect

Neglect occurs when a caregiver fails to provide necessary care, supervision, affection, or support. This can result in significant physical and emotional harm, particularly in children, who rely on caregivers for their basic needs and emotional development.

Image of a woman doing a “shh” sign. Witnessing domestic violence can deeply affect your mental and emotional well-being. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we offer a safe space and expert support to help you heal

5. Witnessing Domestic Violence

Children or adults who witness domestic violence within their homes often experience trauma. The fear, helplessness, and anxiety from witnessing violence can have lasting effects on their mental health and development.

Image of a house and a car damaged by natural disaster. Experiencing accidents or natural disasters can leave lasting trauma. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide compassionate support and effective therapies to help you

6. Accidents and Natural Disasters

Experiencing or witnessing a severe accident, such as a car crash, or a natural disaster, like a hurricane, earthquake, or flood, can be traumatic. The sudden and often life-threatening nature of these events can lead to intense fear, helplessness, and long-term psychological effects.

Living in Houston, we are no strangers to natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey that rocked our community and caused a lot of trauma. The effect of storm after storm has a layered effect that is greater than the sum of it’s parts. I bet many of you reading this know exactly what I mean and feel the dread when you look at the weather reports during storm season.

Image of a soldier giving first aid. Combat and war-related trauma can have profound impacts on mental health. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we offer specialized support and therapies for veterans and military personnel to help navigate and heal

7. Combat and War-Related Trauma

Military personnel and civilians in war zones may experience combat-related trauma. This includes direct exposure to life-threatening situations, witnessing violence, and the constant stress and fear associated with war. Combat-related trauma is often associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Image of a doctor scrubbing in for surgery. Experiencing medical trauma can be deeply unsettling. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide compassionate support to help you process and heal from the emotional aftermath of medical experiences.

8. Medical Trauma

Medical trauma can result from serious illness, injury, or invasive medical procedures. The experience of intense pain, fear of death, or prolonged hospital stays can be traumatic, particularly for children or those with pre-existing anxiety about medical settings.

Image of a woman weeping. Navigating loss and grief is never easy. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we offer compassionate support to help you navigate the complexities of grief and find healing.

9. Loss and Grief

The death of a loved one, particularly if sudden or violent, can be profoundly traumatic. Grief-related trauma can disrupt an individual's emotional stability, leading to prolonged periods of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.

Image of girl who got bullied. Bullying can leave deep emotional scars. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide a safe space to heal from the effects of bullying

10. Bullying and Harassment

Persistent bullying or harassment, whether in person or online, can cause significant emotional and psychological trauma. Victims of bullying may experience feelings of shame, isolation, and a decreased sense of self-worth.

Image of violence in the community. Community violence can shake your sense of safety and well-being. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we're here to help you process and heal from the impact of community violence

11. Community Violence

Exposure to community violence, such as gang-related activities, shootings, or other violent crimes, can be traumatic. The pervasive fear and stress from living in a violent environment can severely impact mental health.

Image of the holocaust victims. Cultural and historical trauma affects communities deeply, influencing generational experiences and perceptions. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide a supportive space to explore and heal

12. Cultural and Historical Trauma

Cultural and historical trauma refers to the collective emotional and psychological injury experienced by a group over generations. Examples include the trauma experienced by Indigenous populations due to colonization, African Americans due to slavery, or Holocaust survivors and their descendants.

Image of a kid crying. Childhood trauma can cast a long shadow, affecting relationships, self-esteem, and mental health. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we offer compassionate therapy to help you heal from past wounds and build a brighter future.

13. Childhood Trauma

Any form of abuse, neglect, or distressing experience during childhood can result in childhood trauma. Early traumatic experiences can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical health, influencing their development and future relationships.

Image of a woman smoking. Trauma can deeply impact our lives, affecting emotions, relationships, and overall well-being. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide supportive therapy to help you navigate and heal from the effects of trauma.

Effects of Trauma

It's important to understand that trauma is subjective—what is traumatic for one person may not be for another. The impact of trauma can vary widely, but common effects include:

  • Emotional and Psychological Symptoms: Anxiety, depression, flashbacks, nightmares, and emotional numbness.

  • Physical Symptoms: Chronic pain, headaches, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues.

  • Behavioral Changes: Avoidance of certain places or activities, substance abuse, and difficulties in relationships.

  • Cognitive Effects: Trouble concentrating, memory problems, and negative beliefs about oneself or the world.

Image of a hand reaching for the light. Seeking help and healing for trauma is a brave step towards reclaiming your life. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we offer compassionate support and effective therapies to help you heal from trauma

Seeking Help and Healing for trauma in Houston

If you or someone you know is experiencing trauma, seeking professional help is crucial. You may be asking will trauma ever go away? EMDR therapy, along with other therapeutic approaches, can help process and heal from traumatic experiences. In Houston, there are numerous resources and support systems available to guide individuals on their path to recovery.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy approach that has been proven effective in treating trauma. EMDR helps individuals process and integrate traumatic memories, reducing their emotional charge and allowing for healthier coping mechanisms. As an EMDR therapist, I have seen the transformative power of this therapy in helping clients regain control over their lives.

Image of an organizer.Finding the right therapy resources for trauma can be empowering. At Wilson Counseling in Houston, we provide compassionate support and effective therapies tailored to help you heal from trauma.
Image of women supporting each other.Trauma can feel isolating, but you don't have to face it alone. Joining a trauma support group offers a safe space to share experiences, gain insights, and receive support from others who understand.

Houston Trauma Support Groups

Support groups offer a safe space for individuals to share their experiences and receive support from others who understand their struggles. Here are a few support groups in Houston:

1. Houston Trauma Recovery Network

This network provides support groups specifically for trauma survivors. They offer peer-led groups where individuals can share their stories and receive encouragement.

Website: Houston Trauma Recovery Network

2. The Montrose Center

The Montrose Center offers various support groups, including those for trauma survivors, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those dealing with addiction. Their inclusive environment ensures that everyone feels welcome and supported.

Website: The Montrose Center

3. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Greater Houston

NAMI Greater Houston offers support groups for individuals living with mental health conditions, including trauma. Their groups provide a non-judgmental space to discuss challenges and share coping strategies.

Website: NAMI Greater Houston

Facing a trauma crisis can be overwhelming. Remember, help is just a call away. Trauma crisis hotlines provide immediate support, guidance, and resources when you need it most.

Houston Trauma Crisis Hotlines

In times of crisis, immediate support is essential. These hotlines offer 24/7 assistance for individuals experiencing severe distress:

1. Crisis Intervention of Houston

Crisis Intervention of Houston provides a confidential hotline for those in emotional distress. Trained volunteers are available to offer support and resources.

Hotline: 713-HOTLINE (713-468-5463)
Website: Crisis Intervention of Houston

2. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline offers 24/7 support for individuals in crisis. Counselors provide confidential support and connect callers to local resources.

Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Website: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

3. The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD

The Harris Center provides crisis services, including a 24/7 hotline and mobile crisis outreach team. They offer immediate support and can connect individuals to appropriate services.

Hotline: 713-970-7000
Website: The Harris Center

Image of a people gathered together.Community resources play a crucial role in healing from trauma. From support groups to specialized counseling services, these resources provide vital support and understanding.

Houston Trauma Community Resources

Houston is home to several organizations dedicated to supporting trauma survivors. These organizations offer various services, from counseling to legal assistance.

1. Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC)

HAWC provides comprehensive services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, including counseling, legal advocacy, and shelter services.

Website: HAWC

2. Bo’s Place

Bo’s Place offers free grief support services for children, families, and adults who have experienced the death of a loved one.

Website: Bo’s Place

3. Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA)

AVDA offers free legal services and counseling to survivors of domestic abuse. They also provide education and advocacy to prevent violence and support survivors.

Website: AVDA

Image of people supporting one another. Moving forward with compassion and support is essential in healing from trauma. Finding strength in community resources, therapy, and support groups can guide you towards resilience and growth.

Moving Forward with Compassion and Support

Recovering from trauma is a deeply personal journey, and finding the right resources and support can make all the difference. As a Houston EMDR therapist,  We are committed to providing compassionate and effective care online and in-person to my clients.


In addition to EMDR Therapy, Trauma Therapy, and PTSD Treatment, we have other mental health services that we offer at our Houston, TX counseling office. Our services are available for adults, children, and teens. For individuals, we offer Anxiety Treatment, Couples and Marriage Therapy, Eating Disorder Therapy, School and College Counseling, and Infertility Counseling. As well LGBTQ+ Counseling. Our caring therapists also offer Family Therapy, Career Counseling, and LPC Supervision. All of these services are also available through Online Counseling throughout Texas.

If you or someone you know is struggling with trauma, please don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Healing is possible, and you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.