6 ways to feel closer to someone you love

Image of a black couple seating close to each other. Being close to someone is a beautiful journey of trust and understanding. If you're looking to build stronger connections, counseling can help nurture and deepen your relationships. Start your jour

It is natural for people to drift apart with time. When we do drift apart, we might even forget what we liked about the other person in the first place. Whether it's a romantic partner, a family member, or a close friend, nurturing your relationship can bring immense joy and satisfaction. But we are all busy and stressed out, and often our relationships suffer because of this. Understanding the causes of drifting apart and how to counteract them with intentional closeness-building activities can help maintain and strengthen your bond.

Image of a couple drifting apart. People drift apart for many reasons: life changes, misunderstandings, or unspoken needs. Counseling can help bridge the gap and bring back the closeness. Reconnect with Wilson Counseling today.

Why People Drift Apart

Several factors can cause people to drift apart, including:

  • Busy Schedules: Daily responsibilities and hectic routines can leave little time for meaningful interaction. I just want to get through my day!

  • Lack of Communication: Misunderstandings and unmet needs can arise when communication breaks down. Most people are worse at communicating than they think they are. When we don’t communicate clearly and regularly, there are bound to be misunderstandings.

  • Unresolved Conflicts: Lingering resentments and unresolved issues can create emotional distance. If you are in a relationship long enough, conflict is inevitable at some point. If you sweep it under the rug, you are bound to trip on all of that dirt at some point, trust me!

  • Neglecting Relationship Maintenance: Failing to invest time and effort in the relationship can lead to a gradual disconnect. Little by little you drift apart. It’s like gravity, you may not know it’s there, but the neglect is changing your relationship, it is affecting you.

  • Changes in Life Circumstances: Life changes such as moving, career shifts, or personal growth can alter relationship dynamics. Stress in other parts of your life will seep into your relationships.

Image of two half faces pressed together. The science of closeness and distance in relationships involves emotional bonds, communication, and mutual understanding. Counseling can help you understand these dynamics and build stronger connections. Seek

The Science of Closeness and Distance

What is happening in your brain when you are close or distant to someone?

When we feel close to someone, our body and brain undergo positive changes. Physical touch, eye contact, and emotional bonding trigger the release of oxytocin, often called the "love hormone," which promotes feelings of trust and connection. Dopamine, the "reward hormone," also plays a role in creating pleasure and reinforcing positive interactions.

Conversely, feeling distant can activate the stress response in our nervous system, releasing cortisol, the stress hormone. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, and further emotional withdrawal.

Image of an LGBTQ Couple hugging. Being closer to someone you love strengthens your bond and enriches your relationship. Counseling at Wilson Counseling can help you build that closeness.

6 Tips to feel closer to someone you love

Silhouette image of a couple spending time together. Prioritizing quality time together strengthens your connection and deepens your bond. Wilson Counseling can help you make the most of your time with loved ones.

1. Prioritize Quality Time Together

Why It Works: Spending quality time together fosters a sense of togetherness and belonging. It allows for uninterrupted bonding and communication.

Example: Schedule Regular Date Nights Set aside dedicated time each week for a date night. It doesn't have to be elaborate; the key is to make it a regular event where you both can focus on each other without distractions. It might help to put your phones away. This could be a cozy dinner at home, a movie night, or a walk in the park. By consistently prioritizing this time, you show your loved one that they are important to you.

Brain and Body Benefits: Engaging in enjoyable activities together can boost dopamine levels, enhancing feelings of happiness and connection.

Image of a couple having a deep conversation. Engaging in deep, meaningful conversations fosters understanding and intimacy. Wilson Counseling can guide you in building stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

2. Engage in Deep and Meaningful Conversations

Why It Works: Meaningful conversations help build emotional intimacy by allowing partners to share their innermost thoughts, dreams, and concerns.

Example: Practice Active Listening - Make a habit of having deeper conversations beyond the daily chit-chat. Ask open-ended questions that invite your partner to share. For instance, instead of asking "How was your day?", try "What was the highlight of your day and why?". Listen actively, showing empathy and understanding, which fosters a sense of being heard and valued.

Brain and Body Benefits: Active listening and empathetic responses can enhance feelings of security and connection, lowering stress levels by reducing cortisol production.

Image of a couple hugging each other. Expressing appreciation and gratitude strengthens bonds and nurtures positive connections. Wilson Counseling can help you develop these healthy habits in your relationships.

3. Express Appreciation and Gratitude

Why It Works: Regular expressions of gratitude can strengthen your emotional bond by making your loved one feel valued and appreciated. Everyone likes to feel like they matter. Don’t assume your loved ones know how you feel.

Example: Write Love Notes Expressing gratitude regularly can strengthen your emotional bond. Leave little notes of appreciation where your loved one will find them, like in their lunch bag or on the bathroom mirror. These notes can be simple, such as "Thank you for always making me laugh" or "I appreciate how hard you work for our family." This small gesture can make a big impact by reminding them how much they mean to you.

Brain and Body Benefits: Gratitude practices can increase oxytocin levels, enhancing feelings of trust and affection.

Image of couples hiking. Participating in shared activities brings joy and strengthens your bond with loved ones. Wilson Counseling can guide you in finding meaningful ways to connect and grow together.

4. Participate in Shared Activities

Why It Works: Shared activities create common goals and experiences, fostering teamwork and mutual enjoyment.

Example: Take Up a New Hobby Together Finding a hobby or activity that you both enjoy can bring you closer. It could be cooking, hiking, painting, or even taking a dance class. Working on a shared goal or project fosters a sense of teamwork and creates shared experiences and memories. For instance, if you both enjoy cooking, try making a new recipe together every weekend, or go to a cooking date night class at Urban Chef Houston.

Brain and Body Benefits: Engaging in fun and collaborative activities can increase dopamine and endorphin levels, promoting feelings of joy and bonding.

Image of a man kissing his wife. Showing physical affection can deepen your emotional connection and strengthen your bond. Let Wilson Counseling help you explore the power of touch in building healthier relationships.

5. Show Physical Affection

Why It Works: Physical touch is a powerful way to express love and strengthen your connection. It is a physical outward sign of how you feel on the inside. It also promotes the release of bonding hormones. Most humans crave a certain amount of physical affection. For some people, physical affection is how their “love language” or how they are able to receive love.

Example: Give Spontaneous Hugs Physical touch is a powerful way to express love and strengthen your connection. Make an effort to show affection through hugs, kisses, holding hands, or simply sitting close to each other. A spontaneous hug when your partner is feeling stressed or a gentle touch on the arm during a conversation can convey warmth and comfort, enhancing your emotional closeness.

Brain and Body Benefits: Physical affection boosts oxytocin levels, reducing stress and enhancing feelings of trust and closeness.

Image of hands holding each other. Supporting each other's personal growth is key to fostering a strong and resilient relationship. At Wilson Counseling, we empower couples to nurture individual development while growing together.

6. Support Each Other’s Personal Growth

Why It Works: Supporting each other's growth demonstrates care for your partner's individual happiness and success, deepening your bond.

Example: Encourage and Celebrate Achievements Supporting each other's individual growth shows that you care about their personal well-being and success. Encourage your loved one to pursue their interests and goals, and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small. For example, if your partner is learning a new skill, like playing an instrument, show interest by attending their practice sessions or complimenting their progress. This support can deepen your bond by demonstrating that you are invested in their happiness and growth.

Brain and Body Benefits: Celebrating each other's successes and encouraging personal growth can boost self-esteem and relationship satisfaction, promoting positive emotional and mental health.


Strengthening your connection with someone you love requires intentional effort and dedication. By prioritizing quality time, engaging in meaningful conversations, expressing gratitude, participating in shared activities, showing physical affection, and supporting each other's personal growth, you can foster a deeper, more fulfilling relationship. Remember, the small, consistent actions often have the most significant impact. By understanding the causes of drifting apart and counteracting them with these closeness-building activities, you can maintain and enhance the bond you share with your loved ones.


In addition to Family Therapy, Parenting Counseling, Couples Counseling & Marriage Counseling, we have other mental health services that we offer at our Houston, TX counseling office. Our services are available for adults, children, and teens. For individuals, we offer Anxiety Treatment, Eating Disorder Counseling, School and College Counseling, and Infertility Counseling. As well as Trauma Therapy, PTSD Treatment, EMDR Therapy, and LGBTQ+ Counseling. Our caring therapists also offer LPC Supervision, and Career Counseling. All of these services are also available through Online Counseling throughout Texas.