Sports Counseling

Trust your body to make good food choices: Emotional eating as friend

Trust your body to make good food choices: Emotional eating as friend

Sometimes you just want to eat some doughnuts, chips, or ramen noodles. But, inevitably, there is a sense of regret. And then the internal berating: Why was I so weak? Why did I eat that crap? There are physiological reasons why your body has these cravings. In this guest post, Courtney Wyckoff of, writes about how you can make peace with your body and your cravings.

Accepting Your Body at Any Size : Lessons from Roller Derby

Accepting Your Body at Any Size : Lessons from Roller Derby

In a culture obsessed with thinness, it was sort of surprising at first to see a sport that encouraged women to embrace whatever body type they had, but that is exactly what happens in the sport of roller derby. If you ever go to a roller derby game, you will notice there are thin girls, short girls, amazonian girls. It is a wonderful motley crew.