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Getting over the fear of driving or flying

Driving and flying are a necessary part of so many people’s lives. It’s nearly impossible in most cities to get around without driving. And so many of us have family or friends who live in other states or countries that require getting on a plane to visit. Yet, so many people have anxiety and even phobias about flying or driving. You may be wondering, “How can I get over my fear of driving or fear of flying?” The good news is that you don’t have to live with this fear. Below are 7 techniques you can use to help you deal with your fear of flying (aerophobia) or fear of driving (amaxophobia, vehophobia.)

A fear of flying and driving is very common

These fears are very common. It is estimated that about 25-40 of Americans have some fear of flying, though only 2.5 - 5% of the population has a fear so intense that it rises to the level of a clinical phobia. About 60% of Americans have anxiety about driving, though the number with true clinical phobias is closer to 6%. The difference between a fear and a phobia is mostly that a phobia is much more intense and can often cause fear for people even when there is no real threat.

SYMPTOMS of fear of driving or fear of Flying:

  • Feelings of dread when you have to drive or fly

  • Feeling worn out after a drive or flight

  • Feelings of panic or a full-blown panic attack

  • Sweaty palms

  • Increased heart rate

  • Dizziness

  • Shortness of breath

  • Nausea

  • Trembling

  • Chest pain

What causes a Fear of Flying & Fear of Driving?


Being in a car accident

Having parents who were afraid of driving

Driving in extreme weather conditions

Driving with angry or aggressive drivers

Large animals running in front of your car


Turbulence during flight

News stories about terrorism or crashes on flights

Fear during take-off and landing

Fear of illness or fires spreading through the plane

Agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house and being trapped)

Fear of driving & flying is treatable!

If you experience some of these symptoms, you may have a driving phobia or at least a fear of driving. Although it is pretty common, the good news is that it is very treatable with the help of an anxiety therapist in Houston, TX.

7 Steps to Get Over the Fear of Driving / Flying

Exposure therapy

Avoiding things you are afraid of usually only serves to make your fear more intense. You can ruminate about how bad something like driving is to the point that even the thought of it can create anxiety or panic. Exposing yourself to driving or flying will often lessen the fear over time. You can do hard things. Just because something creates a sense of anxiety for you does not mean you are unable to do it. You will grow your confidence as you practice driving or riding on a plane. If you can’t actually fly or drive, you may want to start by doing a simulation of driving/riding in a plane or watching a video of the thing you are afraid of. An anxiety treatment therapist in Houston can help you create situations in which you are exposed to what you fear so you can extinguish that fear.

Focus on doing one thing at a time

Thinking about getting from my house all the way across town may cause me to feel very anxious. However, if I remind myself that I just need to do one thing at a time, it may feel more manageable. I can get in the car and turn it on. I can back out of my driveway, etc. Chunk things into smaller steps to make them feel within your reach.


Writing down what you are feeling and thinking about when it comes to driving will help you catalog your catastrophic, negative thinking. This will give you a sense of your thinking patterns that may be leading you to feel panic about driving. If you have irrational thinking or fears of driving and flying, an anxiety therapist in Texas can help you replace those extreme ideas with more realistic ideas about driving and flying. This will lead you to feel more comfortable and more balanced when you drive or fly. Your fearful thoughts may be controlling your mood. Learning to change your thoughts can help you decrease your fear. Cognitive behavioral therapy for the fear of flying and fear of driving is a powerful tool.

Changing extreme thoughts

Extreme feelings like panic often stem from extreme thoughts. For example, if I think “I am going to die in a car crash, “ I will naturally feel scared of driving. It might even cause me to have a panic attack. It’s a good idea to talk back to these kinds of negative thoughts as they come up in your mind. “I have taken thousands of drives and been fine.” Or maybe “Even if I get into a car accident from time to time, I will most likely be fine.” Or “I am a safe driver.” These reassurances won’t always work, but they can serve to calm you and they will at a minimum, not exacerbate your anxiety in the way that extreme thoughts will.

Stop emotional reasoning

Sometimes we assume just because we feel a certain way, then our feeling must be right. For example, if we feel unsafe on the roads, then the roads must be unsafe. You can fight this feeling by fighting the thoughts that if I feel safe, it is unsafe. Your feelings are not facts. Remind yourself that you have driven thousands of times and been safe each of those times.

overcome your fears through Visualizations

It can help to run through a visualization of driving. Allow yourself to imagine driving and notice any feelings you experience. You can even work with a Houston anxiety treatment therapist to create a script to walk you through driving or do a visualization exercise. This is similar to exposure therapy, but you don’t have to get in the car until you have practiced doing it in your mind.

Relaxation techniques

Using relaxation techniques on a regular basis can help your body learn to decompress. When your body is relaxed, your mind will be relaxed. I recommend going deep breathing before driving. You can find a video about deep breathing. It can also help to do progressive muscle relaxation to help your entire body decompress before getting into the car or on a plane. If you are feeling overwhelmed with upsetting feelings when you have to drive or fly, doing a container exercise can help you push out those feelings and contain them until you are ready to process them.

If you are continuing to struggle with fear of driving or fear of flying. You can contact our Houston anxiety treatment therapists to schedule an appointment or call 713-565-0922 to ask any questions you have about how we can be of help to you. Our anxiety treatment therapists have powerful techniques to help you overcome your panic and anxiety. You don’t have to go through this alone.


In addition to anxiety treatment, EMDR Therapy, and PTSD Treatment, we have other mental health services that we offer at our Houston, TX counseling office. Our services are available for adults, children, and teens. For individuals, we offer Couples and Marriage Therapy, Family TherapyEating Disorder Therapy, School and College Counseling, Autism Therapy, Perinatal and Postpartum Treatment, and Infertility Counseling. As well as Trauma Therapy, and LGBTQ+ Counseling. Our caring therapists also offer Career Counseling, and LPC Supervision. All of these services are also available through Online Counseling throughout Texas.

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