Why do I feel angry?

Most people understand that your brain guides what you think, where you go, and what you do, but they may not know how it works. Dr. Daniel Siegal developed an idea called the hand model of the brain to help illustrate how different parts of the brain work. It’s a fun exercise to do if you want to understand more about what parts of the brain are triggering various reactions like anger. If you are struggling with anger, talking to one of our Houston Anxiety therapists or Trauma therapists might help. 

Image of a brain to indicate what happens in the brain that can cause people to feel angry. We have EMDR therapists and Anxiety therapists in Houston who can help you if you want to learn to manage your anger. Anger management is near me in Texas.

How does the brain affect my Anger?

I’d like you to hold up your hand with your palm facing toward you. Then put your thumb into the palm of your hand. Your thumb represents your emotional brain or your “downstairs brain” it is in control of deciding if your environment is safe. Now while your thumb is still tucked into your palm, bring all 4 fingers over your thumb. Your fingers represent your thinking brain or “upstairs brain” it is in charge of remembering things and organizing things. While your hand is in this fist shape it is a brain working properly.

The brain has different parts of it than control your emotions including anger. If you need help with your anger, we have Houston Therapists who can give you tools to cope and decrease your anger.

Take breaks when you’re angry

Now I’d like you to lift your fingers back up. This is a brain where the upstairs and downstairs brains are disconnected. Dr. Seigal calls this “flipping your lid”. Someone who has flipped their lid only has their emotions to act on and tends to say things they do not mean, or act in ways they wouldn’t act otherwise. Two people who have their lids flipped don’t tend to talk to each other but at each other. When you flip your lid this is a great time to take a break and talk later. Typically something that was said or done triggered someone to a past experience and their brain goes into survival mode.

As Houston Teen therapists & Trauma therapists, we know how hard it is to control your anger. We can help you with tools to manage your emotions.

How can I Regulate My emotions?

You may understand what part of the brain causes you to get angry and emotional, but what can you do to regulate those emotions? If you are trying to manage emotions, this would be a great time to use coping skills such as taking some deep breaths or watching something that makes you feel happy. Going for a walk is another good coping skill as movement can be great for settling your whole system. Some people also find that holding something to fidget with gets out the excess energy. Talking to one of our caring therapists can help you learn new coping mechanisms to regulate your emtions.

Someone holding a fidget spinner in order to decompress when they are angry.  As a Houston trauma therapist, I know how hard it is when you feel out of control. Teen therapy and EMDR therapy near me can give you tools to decompress.

Use this Breathing exercise to decompress When You’re angry

I want you to breathe in focusing your breathing toward your stomach making it inflate and count to 4…then hold that breath in for a count of 4…then breathe out for a count of 4 holdings again for a count of 4…repeat this process 5-10 times and check-in with yourself on how you’re feeling.

Picture of a neon sign that says breathe to show that deep breathing can be one of the relaxation techniques that our Houston Trauma therapists can teach you to deal with anger and stress.

This is a Guest post by Lisa Smith

We have EMDR therapists and Trauma therapist who can help you with anger management. Sometimes past trauma makes you feel out of control. Let our Houston therapists near me help you feel more in control.


Lisa Smith LPC provides therapy to adolescents, adults, couples, and families.


If you would like to schedule an appointment with Lisa, or if you are struggling with feeling angry and would like to talk to a professional therapist in Houston, TX or to get anxiety treatment, EMDR therapy, anger management, or any other help, contact us online to schedule an appointment or call 713-565-0922 to ask questions about how we can help.


In addition to anxiety treatment, we have other mental health services that we offer at our Houston, TX counseling office. Our services are available for adults, children, and teens. For individuals, we offer Couples and Marriage TherapyEating Disorder Therapy, School and College Counseling, Autism Therapy, Perinatal and Postpartum Treatment, and Infertility Counseling. As well as Trauma Therapy, PTSD Treatment, EMDR Therapy, and LGBTQ+ Counseling. Our caring therapists also offer Career Counseling, and LPC Supervision. All of these services are also available through Online Counseling throughout Texas.