Procrastination is a problem for all of us. Most of the time we accomplish what we need to accomplish to keep things moving in our lives. But there are always those pesky, irritating, boring to-do's, and even big lifestyle changes that we just can't seem to get around to.
Breaking The Spell - Learn To Control Your PMS Mood Swings
During that "time of the month" it can sometimes feel like you are under an evil spell. The circumstances of your life look grayer, people are more irritating, and nothing seems interesting. We fall into the depressed mood and negative thoughts as if they are the reality of our lives. Track your period with an app because knowing what your body is about to experience gives you a way to anticipate the down mood that might be coming. Contact Wilson Counseling at 7135650922
Ways to prevent eating disorders in your child
I am so impressed by the love and devotion of parents who bring their children into my office to help them deal with their eating disorder struggles. It is incredibly painful to watch your child suffer, but these parents try every day to understand their kids, to support them, and to walk with them through the emotional roller coaster of their disorder. There is hope for change for these children, but my hope would be that parents never have to walk down this road in the first place.