Sometimes I like to pass along things that I find inspiring. If you have spent time with me, you know I encourage people to learn to live authentically and to embrace and celebrate the person they were created to be. Researchers who study happiness consistently have found that people who live authentically are more likely to experience happiness and feel a general sense of wellbeing. When I talk about living authentically, I am talking about living in line with your values, ideals, sensibilities, creative instincts, etc.
Do You Have a Healthy Relationship With Food?

to find out if you have a healthy relationship with food.
Live radio interview - Embracing your body at any size.
I was invited to speak with radio host Dr.Carolyn Clansy Miller on Monday at 9am. Tune in to the show to hear more about how to embrace your body at any size and start feeling confident and strong.
Tips to stop obsessively weighing yourself
Learn how to stop obsessively weighting yourself on the scale. You may be scared that if you don’t keep weighing multiple times a day or every day you will gain weight. That is not the case. Our Houston body image and disordered eating therapists can help you manage your anxious thoughts and gain more control of your life without compulsively weighing. Call us today at 713-565-0922 to get help.
Accepting Your Body at Any Size : Lessons from Roller Derby
In a culture obsessed with thinness, it was sort of surprising at first to see a sport that encouraged women to embrace whatever body type they had, but that is exactly what happens in the sport of roller derby. If you ever go to a roller derby game, you will notice there are thin girls, short girls, amazonian girls. It is a wonderful motley crew.